Product Code: Clomid



Clomid serves to be a very effective when it comes to treating women problems mainly ovulation and infertility. In fact the drug has been widely used and is still utilized in medical world for curing the issue of female infertility. But now, the benefits of it are reaching much beyond that and the professional athletes and bodybuilders make use of the same to enjoy unmatched health benefits and more. Known by different names like Clomifene as well as Clomifert, the drug provides great benefits for the bodybuilders when we talk about restoring natural production of the male sexual hormone i.e. testosterone.

 Working mechanism of Clomid

Clomid basically acts by inhibiting action of the estrogen on hypothalamus. The drugis used by the anabolic steroid users in order to bind estrogen receptors in the body thus blocking effects of estrogen. It even restores the natural testosterone production in the body and is generally used as the recovery drug. It is to be taken at the end of the steroid cycle.

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